Sunday, March 16, 2014

Week 5 - We have a SLAB (of the concrete variety)

Wowzers!! A slab has been poured! We're so super excited!

Concrete doesn't get much better looking than this! The frames have now been delivered and week 6 should see the erection of the walls downstairs!

Week 4 - Form work

We've had a busy time on the block recently (well not us so much, rather the workmen) with form work being completed!

Last Sunday (9/3) we spent some time on the block with the boys looking at where their bedrooms will be. As Matt showed Ashton where his room would be located he responded by saying, "but I don't want to sleep outside!" Perhaps we needed to be more specific that walls and a roof will be in place before he actually sleeps in there! Ashton and Ryan enjoyed 'working' on the site, playing in the dirt and rocks and climbing the hills.

We decided to take a walk to the top of the hill to look at the gorgeous outlook!

 Ryan was so exhausted when we returned he decided to have a lay down in the rocks!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week 3 - Piers

This week we had some more movement on the block. Piers and lots of them (an extra 2K worth) were poured. We can see where our house will sit and where the patio/deck will be, despite just still being holes in the ground. Lots and lots of rain teamed down after the piers were poured, but I am assured that they had enough time to set. Fingers crossed the rain stays away for a while so we can move onto the slab sooner rather than later!